21 October, 2015



summer hangs, weddings, babies, flowers, kitties, etc.
 pretty much sums up my camera roll the past two months!

09 January, 2015

07 January, 2015


This is depressingly cliche for a blog, but since this blog is just for my own personal documentation, it really doesn't matter. I do what I want! I rotate outfits slash wear them days in a row (uh if nobody saw me in it yesterday, it doesn't count today..) so here are a few that were on repeat this past month. 

1. nanny life. all day. every day. 2. dressing room selfie..because we all do it. 3. post-workout clothes. or what i like to call "sitting at home doing nothing" clothes. yoga pants are real clothes, right? 4. saturday errand running. also, this scarf from old navy is the shiz, i wear it like every day. 

06 January, 2015


I've realized recently how hard it is to keep up with documenting this season of life.  Whether it's journaling, taking photos, or "blogging" (ugh), it never seems to happen.  I can barely remember where I last put my journal, and my camera is usually out of batteries or has a chewed up memory card (thanks kittties). SO, going to attempt to put some sort of post up every month this year (setting the bar nice and low) to hopefully keep track of what's going on in life. For now, some watercolor paintings!

Had lots of etsy orders in December, which was fun. These were a few favorites of mine from the past month! Some of them are just quotes I liked, (Maya Angelou, Sherman Alexie, and Jeffrey McDaniel) and some were custom requests (Avett Bros + Hosea 2:19)

01 September, 2014

03 June, 2014


 Chelsea Moore of The Gathering Project contacted me about redesigning
the TGP logo, so we brainstormed at the Bean Bar and came up with some great
ideas and ended up with the design below! The Gathering Project's June event
is coming up soon and registration ends this coming weekend, so check it out
and grab a ticket!

Photo by Steve of Birch Fields Photography
at The Gathering Project's winter retreat

Tickets are still available on their Eventbrite page
and keep up to date with The Gathering Project on Facebook!

22 March, 2014


"Is it really that bad if someone sees who you are? Why is it humans have a problem with letting someone else see that they are human?"